October 5 - November 21, 2018

In alignment with National Coming Out Day and Transgender Awareness Month, Glendale’s Library, Arts and Culture Department will present Body Politics, a groundbreaking exhibition in its ReflectSpace Gallery and the PassageWay. The cutting-edge exhibit will feature contemporary visual art and archival selections that trace how the body, in its individual and collective forms, serves as a catalyst, canvas and symbol for political action and expression in LGBTQI+ communities. "Body Politics foregrounds the power and humanity of queer bodies in Glendale,” said guest curator Anahid Yahjian, “at a time when marginalized voices around the world are finally being heard in the mainstream."
Artists in ReflectSpace exhibition: Nazik Armenakyan, Enrique Castrejon, Grey James, Nicole Kelly and Phoebe Unter (Bitchface), Devon Shimoyama, Annie Tritt and James Wentzy. Artists in the PassageWay provided by Self Help Graphics: Ruben Esparza, Antonio Ibanez y Carlos Bueno, Rigo Maldonado, Miguel Angel Reyes, Gabriel Garcia Roman, Shizu Saldamando, and Hector Silva.