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Body Politics: Identity in an Age of LGBTQI+ Awareness

October 5 - November 21, 2018

Enrique Castrejon, You Radiate Your Brillance (St Bareback), 2018

In alignment with National Coming Out Day and Transgender Awareness Month, Glendale’s Library, Arts and Culture Department will present Body Politics, a groundbreaking exhibition in its ReflectSpace Gallery and the PassageWay. The cutting-edge exhibit will feature contemporary visual art and archival selections that trace how the body, in its individual and collective forms, serves as a catalyst, canvas and symbol for political action and expression in LGBTQI+ communities. "Body Politics foregrounds the power and humanity of queer bodies in Glendale,” said guest curator Anahid Yahjian, “at a time when marginalized voices around the world are finally being heard in the mainstream."

Artists in ReflectSpace exhibition: Nazik Armenakyan, Enrique Castrejon, Grey James, Nicole Kelly and Phoebe Unter (Bitchface), Devon Shimoyama, Annie Tritt and James Wentzy. Artists in the PassageWay provided by Self Help Graphics: Ruben Esparza, Antonio Ibanez y Carlos Bueno, Rigo Maldonado, Miguel Angel Reyes, Gabriel Garcia Roman, Shizu Saldamando, and Hector Silva.


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